「魔女の宅急便」英語版セリフ チャプター2「お父さんとの別れ」
「魔女の宅急便」英語版セリフ お父さんとの別れ
Mom: And be sure to write home as soon as you’re settled.
Kiki: O.K.
Kiki: Dad, can you please take the radio? Mom, can you say I could have the radio?
Kiki: Yeah!
Dad: All right. It’s yours already.
Kiki: Thank you!
Dad: well, now you look certainly grown up, my little princess
スタジオジブリ「魔女の宅急便」英語版 チャプター2より
Dad: You look just like your mother when she was young.
Kiki: I’m glad about that.
Kiki: Dad, can you lift me up high like when I was young?
Dad: Well・・
Dad: Here we go!
Dad: How come you never told me you’re growing up so fast? If things don’t work out, you could always come back home.
Kiki: Come back in failure? (顔をしかめてあっかんべーをする)
Dad: We’re right you’ll be safe at the town.
Kiki: I love you, dad.
スタジオジブリ「魔女の宅急便」英語版 チャプター2